Engineering Chemistry important question for Water and its treatment

 Engineering Chemistry

Water and its treatment


*** Indicates Very, Very important questions ; ** indicates Very Important Questions

Prepared by Dr.Sridarala Ramu (15/03/2023)


1.Temporay hardness and permanent hard of water causes.

2. How do you differentiate soft and hard water.

3. Estimation of hardness of water by complexo metric method

4. POTABLE WATER definition

5. Disinfection of potable water by chlorination

6. Reverse osmosis.

7. Sludge and Scales differences.

8. Caustic embrittlement


1. Steps involved in the treatment of potable water

2. break - point chlorination

3. Softening of water by ion- exchange processes.

4. Calgon conditioning - Phosphate conditioning - Colloidal conditioning


UNIT – II Battery Chemistry & Corrosion


1. Classification of batteries (primary, secondary batteries and fuel cell

differences with examples)

2. Construction, working and applications of Li-ion battery

3. Methanol Oxygen fuel Construction, working and applications

4. Working and applications solar cells

5. Definition of corrosion and effects of corrosion

6. Pilling -Bedworth rule

7. Galvanic(or Bimetallic) corrosion

8. Pitting corrosion


9. Sacrificial anodic protection method:

10.Impressed current Cathodic protection and its applications

11.Oxidation corrosion and complete Mechanism

12.Rusting of Iron (Absorption of Oxygen)


1.Water line corrosion.

2. Construction, working and applications of Applications of Zn-Air battery.

3. Construction, working and applications of Solid oxide fuel cell.

4. Factors affecting rate of corrosion (NATURE OF THE METAL and Nature of

Corroding environment)

5. How Wet or Electrochemical corrosion occurs

UNIT – III Polymeric materials


1. Definition of polymer and polymerization

2. Addition (free radical addition) and Condensation polymerization differences.

3. Nylon(6,6)

4. Terylene

5. Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)


7. Bakelite

8. Vulcanization

9. Buna-S rubber

10. Biodegradable polymers and its applications

11.Conducting polymers definition

12. Doped conducting polymers (mechanism of conduction in trans poly acetylene)

P-type doping and N-type doping



1. Classification of Polymers, Based on Degree of Polymerization

2. Addition (free radical addition) and Condensation polymerization with


3. Differences between thermo plastics and thermosetting plastics polymers

4. Thiokol rubber

5. Conducting polymers applications

6. Conducting polymers having conjugated ∏ electrons in the backbone

UNIT – IV Energy Sources


1. FUELS definition.

2. Units of calorific value.

3. Dulong’s formula.

4. Petroleum and its refining.

5. Cracking definition. Cracking Types: I. Thermal cracking II. Catalytic


6. Knocking definition and factors effecting Knockin.

7. Octane number and Cetane rating.

8. Synthetic Petrol: Fischer-Tropsch process.

9. CNG COMPOSITION and its uses.

10.Transesterification and Biodiesel production and its uses.


1. Characteristics of good fuel

2. Higher or gross calorific value (HCV) definition

3. Lower or Net calorific value (LCV) definition

4. Classification of Coal

5. Analysis of Coal:. 1) Proximate analysis (Complete) 2) Ultimate

analysis (complete)


UNIT – V Engineering Materials


1. Setting & hardening definition and mechanism.

2. Smart materials definition

3. Viscosity definition and Effect of temperature on viscosity

4. Cloud point and Pour point

5. Flash point

6. Fire point

7. Significance of flash and fire point

8. Solid Lubricants Graphite (Read Complete)

9. Semi solid Lubricant greases(Read complete)


1. Solid Lubricants Molbdenum di sulphite

2. Portland cement composition

