UNIT -1 – Water and Its Treatment
Multiple Choice questions
1 By ion-exchange process the hardness of water can be reduced up to
a) 0 ppm b) 5 ppm c) 10 ppm d)15 ppm (Answer –A)
2 Calgon is a trade name given to
a)Sodium silicate b) sodium hexa meta phosphate c) sodium meta phosphate d)calcium phosphate (Answer –B)
3 The membrane filtration adopted in reverse osmosis is also called a)Super
filtration b) supra filtration c) ultra filtration d) hypo filtration (Answer –A)
4 The ratio of chlorine and ammonia in chloramines used for disinfection of municipal water is
a)1: 2 b) 2:1 c) 4:1 d) 1:3 (Answer –B)
5 Caustic embrittlement is a type of
a)boiler corrosion b)conditioning c)scale formation d)sludge formation (Answer –A)
6 The water containing dissolved salts with a peculiar salty taste is called
a)Hard water b) soft water c) Brackish water d) Heavy water (Answer –C)
7 In Phosphate conditioning the most preferred reagent is
a) NaHPO4 b)Na2HPO4 c) Na3PO4 d)NaH2PO4 (Answer –C)
8 Tannin and lignin are used for
a) Phosphate conditioning b) Colloidal conditioning
a) Calgon conditioning d) Carbonate conditioning

(Answer –B)

9 Caustic embrittlement caused due to the presence of
a)Nacl b) NaOH c) MgCO3 d) KNO3 (Answer –B)
10 In EDTA titration, the colour of the end point is
a)Red b) Blue c) yellow d) No change (Answer –B)
11 The role of water in washing is as
a)Coolant b) Reagent c) Solvent d) Detergent (Answer –C)
12 The P
H maintained in the complexometric estimation of hardness of water is about
a)7 b) 10 c) 5 d)15 (Answer –B)
13 On boiling and filtering hard water, water sample contains
a)Temporary hardness b) Permanent hardness c) Both d) None of the above (Answer –B)
14 Scale formation is mainly due to which of the following salt present in boiler-feed water?
a)CaSO4 b) MgCO3 c) Na2SO4 d) KCl (Answer –A)
15 Temporary hardness in water is removed by
a) Chemical treatment b) Sedimentation C)Boiling D) Coagulation (Answer –C)


1 ------------------- is used as an indicator in the determination of hardness by EDTA method. EBT
2 Loose and slimy precipitate formed with in the boiler is ------------------------ SLUDGE
3 The Purest form of natural water is ----------------------- Rain water
4 Disinfectation of water by bleaching powder is also called ------------------------- Hypo Chlorination
5 Anion exchange resins are regenerated by using ------------------------- Dil HCl
6 One ppm of hardness is equal to

0 Cl 0.07

7 The EDTA stands for ------------------------- Ethylene Diamine tetra

acetic acid

8 Sulphates and Chlorides of calcium and magnesium causes ----------------- Permanent Hardness
9 The colour of EBT indicator is --------------------- Wine red
10 Ion free water is also known as --------------------------- De ionized water
11 Chlorine, when treated with water produce ---------- acid, which act as a powerful disinfectant. HOCl
12 Cation exchange resins are regenerated by using --------------------- Dil NaoH
13 The hardness of water is 10 ppm it can be expressed in -------------- Degree Clark

14 A semi permeable membrane allows the flow of ----------------- molecules. solvent
15 Calgon treatment is used for the removal of dissolved --------------- salts. CaSO4


1 a) Desalination i) Carbonate hardness
b) Temporary hardness ii) Non carbonate hardness
c) Calgon iii) Reverse osmosis
d) Permanent hardness iv) Sodium hexa metaphosphate

A –iii , B - i
C – iv , D-ii

2 a) Phosphate conditioning i) Hypo chlorination
b) Bleaching powder ii) Na3PO4
c) Semi permeable membrane iii) ClNH2
d) Chloramine iv) Cellulose acetate

A –ii , B - i
C – iv , D-iii

3 a)Soft and loose precipitate i) Scales
b) Calcium sulphate salts ii) Sodium salts
c) Caustic embrittlement iii) RH and R-OH
d) Ion exchange process iv) Sludge

A –iv , B - i
C – ii , D-iii

4 a) Regeneration of Cation Exchanger i) Expression of Hardness
b) Brackish water ii) 0 ppm Hardness
c) De ionized water iii) Dil HCl
d) CaCO3 equivalents iv) Sea Water

A –iii , B - iv
C – ii , D- i

5 a) EDTA i) Boiling
b) Temporary hardness ii) P
H 9-10
c) Eriochrome black-T iii) Standard solution
d) Buffer solution iv) Indicator

A –iii , B - i
C – iv , D- ii


1 The cell whose cell reaction is reversible is called
a) Fuel cell b) Primary cell c) secondary cell d) All the above (Answer –C)
2 Which of the following is a primary cell
a) mercury battery b) Lithium battery c) Ni –Cd cell d) Pb acid cell (Answer –B)
3 A galvanic cell converts
a) electrical energy to chemical energy b) chemical energy to electrical energy
c) electric energy to heat energy d) heat energy to electric energy

(Answer –B)

4 The current flow through electrolyte is due to the movement of
a) Ions b) Holes c) Electrons d) None of the above (Answer –A)
5 Which of the following acts as a fuel in methanol oxygen fuel cell
a) CH3OH b) H2 c) O2 d) None of the above (Answer –A)
6 A fuel cells converts energy into electrical energy
a) Mechanical b) Magnetic c) Solar d) Chemical (Answer –D)
7 When storage cell acts as galvanic cell ,the cell is said to be
a)charging b)Discharging c)Neutral d) None of the above (Answer –B)
8 Which of the following material is used in solar cells?
a)Barium b) Silicon c) Silver d) Selenium (Answer –B)
9 One of the common sacrificial anodic metal is
a)Iron b)magnesium c) copper d) titanium (Answer –B)
10 During the electro chemical corrosion in acidic environment
a) O2 evolution occurs b) O2 absorption occurs
c) H2 evolution occurs d) H2 absorption occurs

(Answer –C)

11 Corrosion is a process of.
a) Reduction b) Oxidation c) neutralization d) none of the above (Answer –B)
12 In electrochemical corrosion
a) anode undergo oxidation b) Cathode undergo oxidation
c) anode undergo reduction d) Both cathode and anode undergo oxidation

(Answer –A)

13 During galvanic corrosion the more noble metal acts as
a) anode b) Cathode c) anode as well as cathode d) corroding metal (Answer –B)
14 Which one of the following causes corrosion of iron
a)Oxygen b)Hydrogen C) Strong base d) Moisture and Oxygen (Answer –D)
15 If the corrosion product is volatile, then the rate of corrosion of base metal will
a)decreases b) increases b) remain unchanged d)None of the above (Answer –B)

1 The solid oxide fuel cell active at temperature.


In Zn –air battery, acts as Cathode. OXYGEN
3 The EMF measurement are accurately determined by -----------------


In lithium cells lithium is used as ------------------


5 The electrolyte used in lead storage battery is ----------------

6 The ratio of the volume of the metal oxide to the volume of metal is known as --------------------- Specific Volume Ratio
In Methanol oxygen fuel cell, oxygen acts as ------------------------

8 Lithium cells are the examples of--------------------------- Primary Cells
9 The chemical composition of rust is -----------------------

10 The Chemical corrosion is also called as --------------------- Dry Corrosion
11 Impurities in metals causes ----------------- Heterogeneity
12 When specific volume ratio decreases, the rate of corrosion ----------------------- Increases
13 ----------- part is always safe and does not corrode. Cathode
14 The corrosion depends on---------------of the oxide film. Nature
15 Direct action of oxygen on metal surface in the absence of moisture is called --------------Corrosion. Oxidation


a) Lithium cells i) Rechargeable
b) Lithium ion Battery ii) Primary cells
c) H2SO4 iii) Reactants send from outside
d)Fuel cells iv) Lead acid cells

A –ii , B - i
C – iv , D-iii

a) Galvanic cell i) Stand by battery
b) Zn-air cell ii) Germanium
c) Reserve battery iii) oxygen acts as Cathode
d) Solar cells iv) Redox reaction

A –iv , B - iii
C – i , D-ii

a) SOFC i) Battery
b) Portable storage Device ii) Lead acid battery
c) Pb anode and PbO2 Cathode iii) oxygen acts as Cathode
d) Solar cells iv) Renewable energy source

A –iii , B - i
C – ii , D- iv

4 a) Rusting of iron i) Stable film
b) Protective layer ii)Wet corrosion
c) Dry corrosion iii) Non protective layer
d) Porous oxide film iv) Chemical corrosion

A –ii , B - i
C – iv , D- iii

5 a) Absorption of O2

i) Cathodic protection
b) Galvanic Corrosion ii) Wet Corrosion
c) Sacrificial anodic protection iii) Anode
d) Low Oxygenated area on metal surface iv) Bi metallic Corrosion

A –ii , B - iv
C – i , D- iii


1 Which one of the following is a thermosetting plastic
a)PVC b) PVA c) Bakelite d) None of the above (Answer –C)
2 The repeating unit of PVC is
a)ethylene b) Tetra chloro ethylene c) Acrylo nitrile d) Vinyl chloride (Answer –D)
3 Nylon is a
a) vinyl polymer b) polyamide c) polyester d) chloroprene (Answer –B)
4 ------------- can undergo addition polymerization
a)Saturated compounds b) Cyclic compounds c) Olefin compounds d) None (Answer –C)
5 The structural units of Polymers are called
a) fibres b) monomers c) Fabrics d) Elastomers (Answer –B)
6 Which of the following is not an example of addition polymer?
a) Polythene b) Terylene c) Neoprene d) Nylon 6,6 (Answer –D)
7 Which of the following is a condensation polymer?
a) Teflon b) PVC c) Terylene d) Neoprene (Answer –C)


1 The monomer of Teflon is -------------------- CF2 = CF2
-------------- are the monomers of bakelite

Phenol &
3 The structural unit of the polymer is known as -------------------------- Monomer
4 The different monomers involved in polymerization to produce polymers Co-Polymer
5 HMDA and are the monomers of Nylon 6,6 Adipic acid
6 Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and ----------- Terepthalic acid (or)
Dimethyl Terepthalate

7 ---------- is an vital element to do the vulcanization

